Meditation is an inextricable part of yoga but is largely absent in modern yoga studios.
You may be asking Why?
One of the recent Student Yoga Study graduates said, "Meditation is not as sexy as the physical practice".
I agree with them. It isn't as sexy as physical practice and trying to meditate without a physical practice is next to impossible to do.
And, most yoga teachers don't meditate themselves and simply don't know how to lead students in meditation.
Meditation is becoming more 'mainstream' virtually, however, meditation has evolved through the presence of a teacher and is most potent when led by an experienced teacher surrounded by others tuning into the frequency of consciousness.
Isn't it true that we all want to be happy and feel like who we are is important as well as feel as if there is a purpose to our lives?
And this yearning is what propels us to seek and at its core, this seeking is what the spiritual journey is all about.
We all know that yoga is proven to help mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually but the real question is, why do you pursue yoga?
I bet your physical practice alone is doing a pretty good job of helping you get in touch with your emotions about your present life circumstances and helping you on some level, isn't it?
And, there is still something inside that needs more...
I'm here to help you discover the answers to some of those questions this winter by coupling your existing physical yoga practice with meditation and an expanded understanding of The 5 Koshas.
When meditation is coupled with physical practice, the benefits to the mind, body, emotions, and spirit will be palpable. Your connection with what the yogis call 'The 5 Koshas' will deepen allowing you to feel more whole and less fragmented. Your energy will begin to brim and your overall feeling of wellness will help to dissolve fears opening you up for more bliss and joy.
For this reason, I want to extend to you an invitation to gather with the Leadership Team and students from Gratitude Hot Yoga Falmouth for 5 Friday nights as we delve deeper into The 5 Koshas this winter.
Ro will begin each 2-hour class with what's called a 'dharma discussion' to review the particular Kosha of study. Then we will go into a light, unheated physical practice to help enliven that Kosha. Each session will end with a grounding, centering, and deeply restorative yoga Nidra session.
Cost for all 5 gatherings - $199
The cost for a drop-in is- $55
Required Reading - The Sacred Science of Yoga & The Five Koshas by Christopher Sartain.
Copyright © 2022 Gratitude Hot Yoga Falmouth - All Rights Reserved.
80 Davis Straits Unit 103 Falmouth MA 02540